Breathe new life into your current office
Your business evolved. Your goals are different. Your team works differently. This is your cue to rethink your existing workspace.
Any renovation project starts by identifying the purpose behind the upgrade. Sometimes small changes are enough to revive the atmosphere. Other times, a project might call for a complete space lift.
In that case, we’re ready to roll up our sleeves, define the strategy and vision, and transform your office.
Renovation brings up lots of questions:
Check out these spaces we transformed
Frequently Asked Questions

Toss a coin! Rub a magic 8-ball! Just kidding, there are many things to consider. Think about finding answers to these questions:
- What are you gaining by moving to a new location?
- What would you lose?
- What would the difference in rent be?
- Are the services better in the new place?
- How would a new office space impact the mobility and flexibility of your team?
Or, instead of doing the guesswork, book a call with us!

No, we're not fans of a copy-paste method. We love to create custom spaces because each client is unique, and your workspace should be too. We always start with listening and understanding your needs on 3 levels: organizational, team, and individual perspectives. Then we make a proposal within the budget, time, and space requirements.

The way we work is constantly changing as we develop new technologies and better understand how to improve our wellbeing and performance. Even though we can work from anywhere, some things just can’t be replaced, like in-person interactions. Bringing people together matters now more than ever, and that's the most important achievement of any workspace. This is why we should adapt and transform our work environments thinking about people first.
There are a few key reasons why you should redesign your office:
- Innovation doesn't happen on zoom calls. Your workspace is the place where your team connects spontaneously and serendipity sparks new ideas.
- In workspaces, people connect by working together and through informal activities, which builds trust and shapes your company culture, two fundamentals for effective collaboration.
- Most people don't have a good setup at home, have their family members around, or need to deal with other distractions, which has a negative effect on their wellbeing and performance. It's also challenging to keep a healthy work-life balance when your living space becomes an office. This impacts productivity over time and increases stress levels, in some cases leading to burnout.
- An inspiring work environment that reflects your culture is an excellent tool for getting you a competitive edge regarding talent attraction. 90% of job candidates see the workspace as a direct indication of how how much the company cares about their people. And top performers will be attracted by a work environment in which they feel they'll be able to give their best.
If these reasons speak to you, contact us, and we'll help you create a future-proof workspace that empowers individuals and fosters connections.
Check out our series of interviews with business leaders to learn more about the importance of the physical work environment.